Historical information and foundational ontologies

Public Lecture: Historical information and foundational ontologies

on October, the 29th at 6 o’clock p.m.

by Dr. Francesco Beretta

Modelling historical research data and making them re-usable for new
research agendas according to the FAIR principles requires an in-depth
analysis on how to develop an interoperable conceptualization in the
field. After introducing the symogih.org project’s patterns-based
ontology approach, we’ll analyse the role that factual information plays
in the process of historical knowledge production. We’ll then develop an
epistemological and semantic analysis of conceptual data modelling based
on the foundational ontologies Constructive Descriptions and Situations
and DOLCE, and discuss the reasons for adopting the CIDOC CRM as a core
ontology, and extending it to meet the needs of historical research.

Dr. habil. Francesco Beretta is a CNRS research fellow since 2005. He
heads since 2009 the Digital History Research Team within the
Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes (LARHRA CNRS UMR 5190 –
Universités de Lyon et Grenoble). Specialist in the history of Roman
Inquisition, in the intellectual history of catholicism and the history
of Early Modern science, he has taught at different universities in
Switzerland and France. In digital humanities, his domains of
competence are in the field of data modeling and curation, ontologies
and semantic text encoding in XML/TEI.

This public lecture is organized by dhmuc in collaboration with FDB-Bayern (Research-Data-Management Bavaria) and will be broadcasted as video-stream via DFN-Conf:

The lecture took place on Oct., 29th at 6p.m. The video of the lecture can be watched or downloaded here (Creative Commones CC-BY-NC-SA-License): https://dienste.badw.de/dhmuc/Video_Lecture_Francesco_Beretta_2020-10-29_at_dmuc_and_FDM_in_Munich.mp4



OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Eckhart Arnold (16. Oktober 2020). Historical information and foundational ontologies. dhmuc. Abgerufen am 16. Januar 2025 von https://doi.org/10.58079/nlb8

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